Saturday, February 7, 2009

New post fo sho

It's been so fucking COLD these last couple of days! Like, about -13 degrees. Blah. And my hair haven't been cooperating either(but really, when does hair ever co-operate..) I think I can blame the cold for that though.

I'm really just writing because my best friend( has been bugging me about writing a post soon. And this is my 11th blog. I'M PROUD! I can honestly say that I have never in my entire life written 11 posts in a blog.

I bought that new mascara today. MaXfactor False lash effect. I haven't tried it yet because that means I would have to remove my make it and reapply it. Not going to happen. So maybe I'll write a new blog about that later.

Oh, and I got some of the H&M clothes a few days ago, so because I'm bored I'm gonna go take pictures of it all with me in them. :D Damn, I just took those pictures. Did my makeup better as well. THAT MASCARA IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!

This necklace is damn awesome, dontya think? :D

The whole outfit is from H&M except my totally hot shoes. :)
These pants are not from H&M, they're of the brand Lee (: I love them! ...Excuse my dirty mirror..

I have a coke-addiction. Seriously.

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